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700 Yardley Drive
Prince Frederick, MD 



Our Philosophy

Caring and competent caregivers have a positive impact on children that last a lifetime. Children have minds that are adaptable to numerous stimulations, both in the classroom and the world around them. This is accomplished when children are given opportunities for discovery. When given the proper tools for learning, children demonstrate more confidence in areas skills such as problem-solving and inferring. As educators and caregivers, it is our responsibility to find out how children learn and what instructional mode would best ensure that learning is taking place. The role of the educator is to provide a learning environment that reaches all learners.

   Supporting families and their childcare needs

Our Mission

Our mission is to build on a child's development and skills while shaping their character into who they may become in the future

Our Goal!

Our goal is to provide a safe learning environment where the needs of children are met. When children feel nurtured and welcomed, learning and discovery can easily take place.


© 2019 My Small Business, LLC

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